Cultus Crop Research BV

You can contact us for research into the effectiveness and selectivity of crop protection products, fertilizers and biostimulants in almost all arable-, ornamental-, open-field vegetable-, fruit- and greenhouse crops in the Netherlands. 

Cultus Crop Research BV is in possession of its own GEP certificate, which means that validity investigation is in good hands with us. In addition, we are also TNG-certified, so we are authorized to conduct tests with crop protection agents that are not yet registered for certain crops in the Netherlands.  

We are happy to assist you for the following activities;

  • Validity tests under own GEP recognition
  • Statistically based experimental design and execution, demo trials and screenings
  • Construction of test platforms
  • Analysis and reporting of results (using ARM)

Trials are set up at our own locations and facilities (both in the open field, under glass and on the containerfield) or fitted into a practical plot in consultation with the grower. We believe it is important that implementation in trials corresponds as much as possible with the cultivation in practice.

Additional analyses such as soil or leaf sampling, quality determinations of the harvested product, plant sap measurements or chlorophyll determinations are possible to support the results.


To provide specialization and expertise in all sectors of agriculture and horticulture, Cultus Crop Research collaborates with external parties. In our collaboration with external parties, the project management remains in the hands of Cultus Crop Research. Our broad knowledge network means we have contacts throughout the Netherlands. Together we stand strong for your wishes!

We are tackling the arable farming and field vegetable sectors together with Giesen Crop Research BV. They have extensive experience in conducting research in a wide variety of open field food- and forage crops.

For performing trials in fruit crops, we can carry out the research for you in collaboration with the CAF (Central Advisory Service for Fruit Cultivation).

Partnership Rhizome Network
At an international level, Cultus Crop Research is part of the European network ‘Rhizome’, a collaboration of independent research parties. Rhizome offers the possibility to conduct experimental trials under GEP in all member states of the European Union, centrally coordinated.
Rhizome supervises trials for product registration and the research- and development phase. All parties within this network have ten to thirty years of experience in crop related research. With this initiative we can offer your projects new development opportunities all over Europe!